1. When is my child late for school?
PBCA school day begins at 8:30AM and ends at 3PM. Students must be in class ready to learn at 8:30AM. Any student arriving after 8:35AM is considered tardy and needs to be signed in through the school office. Students who are tardy will be taken to class by Administration.
It is important that all students have regular attendance and avoid excessive absences and/or tardiness. Excessive absences or tardiness (15 or more per school year for full-time students, 7 or more for three-day homeschool collaboration students and 5 or more for two-day home school collaboration students) could affect promotion.
2. What constitutes an excused absence?
Excused absences will be allowed for the following:
- Illness or injury (a doctor’s note will need to be sent in for any consecutive absences exceeding 3 days) • Death in immediate family
- Medical or dental appointment (these should be made after school hours whenever possible)
- Court or administrative proceedings
- Religious Observances
- Inclement weather (we will notify parents of closings or reopening of school if it differs from the Palm Beach County School System’s inclement weather safety procedures through an automated call out system. If radio and television broadcasts announce that Palm Beach County Schools are closing due to severe weather, then this announcement also applies to PBCA. PBCA reserve the right to make scheduling decisions for the school regarding reasonable safety boundaries with local authority approval.)
PBCA will not release students to any person under the age of 18. Only authorized adults will be permitted to pick up. All authorized adults must have photo ID with them at pick up time. If a parent knows their child will be absent ahead of time, the parent should request in writing classwork that will be missed during their absence. The request should be made within 48 hours but no later than 24 hours prior to the absence. Any child absent for an excused absence will be given at least one day, per day missed, to turn in make-up work.